A Different Approach

At Introverted Soul Collective Publishers, we understand how difficult it can be to write a book. Maybe you have an idea, but don’t know how to put it down on paper. Maybe you don’t have the time because life keeps getting in the way. Or maybe you have already written a book and need a professional editor to make sure that your story is perfect before it hits the shelves. Well, that’s where we come in!

Our team is full of amazing writers whose only dream is to help people accomplish their dreams of being an author. We only produce high-quality work and every word comes straight from our creative minds. Are you still wondering if ISCPublishers is the best ghostwriting company for you? Send us an email and we will personally walk you through the entire process, from plotting to cover design.



Editing & Proofreading

Cover Design


All-in-One Packages

Social Media Promos & Trailers

Special Discounts & Announcements


Sometimes one book just won’t do, so why not make your story idea into a complete series? ISCPublishers has released a complete series package where you can order between 2 to 10 manuscripts for your book series–whether they all belong to the same story or are considered to be a standalone tale is up to you–and you actually end up saving money! Not to mention, you are guaranteed to have the same writer and editor on every order, ensuring that the flow between each book is flawless.

However, if you are one of those types of people who likes to do things yourself, we also have manuscript writing services. You tell us your idea, we write it for you, and the rest is up to you!


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For those of you who are only interested in one book, we have a discount for you as well! You can now get $200 off your first complete fiction or non-fiction package! Think of it as our way of thanking you for choosing Introverted Soul Collective Publishers for all of your ghostwriting needs.

Now introducing our SEO writing services! If you genuinely hate writing posts for your blog, yet still need new material, then you’ve come to the right place! We have some amazing freelancers who are experienced in SEO and can help your blog get the attention it deserves!

Announcement Alert!

Introverted Soul Collective Publishers is now giving the option for any books purchased through us will be given the chance to be published by our company, Introverted Soul Collective Press.

What Does This Mean?

It means that you (yes, you!) can take the book or series that you are so proud of and become one of our extremely talented published authors.

You will get to brag about being published to all your family and friends, get a higher cut of the royalties, and leave all of the hassle of promotion up to us while you get to sit back and relax!


Why Are Our Prices So Low?

Who said you need to break the bank to have a book written or edited for you? At ISCPublishers, our costs are low because we know how hard it is to be a self-published author.  The hours are long, and the work it entails to promote your book is tiring. Some days, you’re lucky to get one person to read your book,  and some months, you barely break even. We built our company with self-published authors like you in mind. We want to save you money while also giving you an amazing book.

We make it our business to make your writing dream a reality!

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