Available Orders

Finding a freelance order doesn't have to be hard. Simply click on the button for your intended service, find an order, and request it. It's really that simple!

Available Writing Orders

 Find an order that you know you will be able to blow the customer away with! Request, sell your abilities, and cross your fingers! The order might just end up being #1 on the charts!

Available Editing Orders

 Editing and proofreading are just as, if not ALMOST, more important than writing. Not only do you have to make sure that the order is grammatically correct, but you also have to ensure that the text flows from one page to another.

Available Formatting Orders

 Nothing’s worse than an unformatted text. Readers love to read a book where they can focus on the story rather than mismatched spacing and uneven pages.

Available Book Cover Orders

 Anyone who says they never judge a book by its cover is clearly fooling themselves. The perfect cover is one that not only draws in the reader and makes them want to read the book, but it also symbolizes the tale being told throughout the pages.

Available SEO and Book Description Orders

 What better way to draw in a reader’s attention, or keep their attention, than a perfectly written book description or blog post?

Available Promo Design Orders

 The book has been written, edited, and published, now what? Promoting it! And, what better way to promote an amazingly written book than with a picture-perfect (pun intended) social media photo or video trailer?!

Available Screen2Script Orders

 Every amazing play or movie deserves an amazing book. However, sometimes, it takes A LOT of time and effort to make the transition from screenplay to manuscript, and we have both of those when it comes to helping our customers.

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